Write Sprüche

Die 40 besten Sprüche über Write!

Egal ob lustige Writesprüche oder Sprüche zum Thema Write zum Nachdenken, hier werden Sie garantiert fündig. Entdecken Sie jetzt tolle Writesprüche sowie schöne Writespruchbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!

  • Brief eines Bayern an die NASA ... Greet God, I write you, because you must help me. I have seen your Space Shuttle in the television. And so came me the idea to make holidays in the world-room. Alone. Without my crazy wife. I am the Kraxlhuber. The King of Bavaria was my clock-clock grandfather. I stand on a very bad foot with my wife. Always she shouts with me. She has a shrill voice like a circle saw. She lets no good hair at me. She says I am a Schlapp-tail. She wants that I become Bürgermaster. But I want not be Bürgermaster. I have nothing at the hat with the political shit. I want my Ruah. And so I want make holidays on the moon. Wizhout my bad half.But I take my dog with me. He is a boxer. His name is Wurstl. So I want book a flight in your next Space Shuttle. But please give me not a window place. I would kotz you the rocket full, because I am not swindle-free. And no standing-place please... And please do not tell my wife that I want go alone. She has a big Shrot-gun. She would make a sieve from my ass. I need not much comfort. A nice double-room with bath and kloo and heating. And windows with look to the earth. So I can look through my farglass and see my wife working on the potatoe field. And I and my dog laugh us a branch ( häha). We will kringel ourself before laughing ( höhöhöhö)! Is what loose on the moon? I need worm weather and I hope the sun shines every day. This is very good for my frost-boils. With friendly Servus Xaver

  • If I die and go somewhere far, I'll write your name on every star, so angels can look up and see, how much you mean to me.
  • Let me write that in my "Things I dont give a Fuck about" - Book

  • I want a guy who will move the hair away from my eyes, and then kiss me. Someone who knows I am nowhere near perfect,but will love me as if I was.Someone who can put up my bad times and help me work through them.He doesn’t have to buy me things,all he has to do is show me he cares.Who will hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous. Who I can talk to about anything. A pretty boy. Who puts my could hands in his warm hoddie pockets .A boy who thinks I’m b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.Who let me use his t-shirt for a pillow.A boy who will sing to me at random moments. Who lets me sleep on his chest. I want a guy who will tell his mother I have beautiful eyes, a guy who will bring me orange juice when I’m sick, who writes songs about me because he doesn’t know any other way to tell me how he feels. Who will kiss me in the rain,in the sunshine and in the snow.I want a boy who is more goofy than romantic, but knows the right things to say at the right times.I want a boy who will call me 3 times a day if he went away. A boy who will apologize for calling too much, and no matter how many times I tell him its okay, he’d still do it. A boy who will let me gossip to him and just smile and agree with everything I say. A boy who will throw stuffed animals at me when I acted dumb and then jump on me and kiss me a million times.I want a boy who will write me notes in class, and give me flowers every once in a while for no real reason at all. Who will bet kisses on who could beat who on at game.Who makes fun of me just to make me laugh. A boy who will surprise me with 25 cent ring and we could have contest of how far we can spit our gum. Who will take me to the park, put his hands around my waist and give me big bear hugs all the time.A boy who will kiss my neck, just to have a reason to tell me how much he loves my new perfume. I want a boy who, at night, who will dance in his pajamas with me. A boy who will take pictures in photo booths with me, someone who will never turn down a trip to the lake and who will play tag on the beach with me.Who will tell all his friends about me and smile when he does it.A boy who could sit with me on the kitchen floor and eat sandwiches.Who will make out with me in the pouring rain and will tell me when he doesn’t think something looks good.I want a boy who would try to teach me how to play the guitar, even if we just end up laughing at each other. I want a boy who will run his fingers through my hair, share his lollipops with me, and get along with all of my friends.Someone who would never be afraid to say I love you in front of his friends and someone who would argue with me about silly things just to make up.I want a boy who will take me to Target to just make fun of some of the stuff there.Someone who will kiss me at midnight on New Years and who will make funny faces at me when I’m on the phone. I want a boy who will count stars with me and be friends with my family.I want a boy who will stay home with me on a Friday night just to help me make dinner and watch movies together under the same blanket. omeone who will squirt water guns at me in the house after I’ve got him soaked.A boy who will tell me I’m b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l but not too often. I want a boy who looks me the eye and tell me something serious, that was also funny and make me promise not to laugh.Who will tell me his problems and let me help.A boy who could make me laugh like no one else can.I want a boy who will hold me closer than normal when I’m sick, and would play with my hair. But mostly I want a boy who is my best friend and will always be there for me ,who simply be mine to hold,not perfect,but just perfect for me. <3


  • i hate to write on a paper when there's just the desk underneath the paper

  • 100 People i hate on Facebook: People who have the new profile People who still have the old profile People who are always on Facebook People who show up once a month and think they have the right to chime in People who check-in People who have a birthday today People who friend everybody People who only friend people they know well People who friend me. People who share their travel plans by listing the airport codes of the two cities separated by a little arrow. Goto —> hell People who think it's about the journey People who think "LOL!" counts as quality feedback People who think elaborating on a joke is the same as making a joke People who complain about their relationships People who try convince us their relationships are totally awesome People who change their relationship status before telling me their relationship status has changed People who "like" my wife (keep your thumbs-up away from my woman) People who announce they're going to be offline for awhile People who play Farmville People who complain about people who play Farmville without first seeing how irritating it is for themselves People you who regularly tag you in their photo albums when it's clearly a good photo of them and a bad photo of you People who share party photos with people who weren't invited to the party People who post personal messages publicly ("Great seeing you last night!") Attractive people who aggressively share photos People who post happy messages in the morning People who are selling something People who use Facebook to promote their company People who use it for personal reasons People who use it for political reasons People who are overly enthusiastic about my updates People who ignore my updates People who share articles I've already seen People who share articles I might have otherwise missed People who comment on the Facebook blurb about an article without actually reading the article People who never comment about anything People who post their tweets to Facebook People who focus on superficial things People who use Facebook to discus anything of meaning People who post mysterious status updates in an effort to get others to comment: "OMG, what do you mean? Everything OK?" People who comment: "OMG, what do you mean?" People who respond to rhetorical statements People who just changed their profile photo People who were hot as hell in seventh grade but who never share any current photos (and never apologize for ignoring you in Junior High) People who were ugly in junior high and resent those who at least were attractive for a while People who see child abuse as a serious problem and then who think: "Maybe a cartoon avatar would help?" People to whom I am clearly superior but who think I should make the first friending move Inferior People who dare to send a friend request People who in 2007 said, "Facebook has peaked, what's the next thing?" People who are too old for this stuff People who are too young for this stuff People who think they're the first ones to say, "I wish FB had a hate button." People who are overly nice People who share joy People who I've known since childhood People I just met. People who complain People with ugly kid photos People whose kids are more photogenic than mine People who try to chat even though we haven't seen each other for five years People who try to chat even though we talk everyday People who try to chat People who go offline when I try to chat with them People who poke me. People who wish me happy birthday on Facebook People who don't People who see you in person and then repeat the same story they already posted to Facebook and then just stand there until you say, "OK, like." People who post what they just ate or anything about their digestive system People who share their exercise routine People who share their schedule People who share People who try to be clever People who try to be funny People with the best of intentions People who are thoughtful People who type before thinking People who complain about changes made to Facebook People who passively agree to changes on Facebook People who refuse to use Facebook because everyone else is using it People who use the @ sign even though that only works on another site People who think "I made some changes to my profile page" is a valid answer to the question: "What did you do today?" People you don't know comment on photos of your family members People who ask favors People who share that they are sick, feel good, can't sleep or just woke up People who post about the weather People who mention anything related to Burning Man People who share stuff that everyone in the world has already seen, get no response, and then share it again People who aren't sure about a joke they want to make and so they preface it with: "Overheard:" People who use the phrase "note to self" anywhere other than in the silent privacy of their own mind People who write wonderful things about their new boyfriend even though we can all see that the dude is a chump and the same person will be writing terrible things about him in a few months and then expecting us to be surprised and supportive People who think mentioning something about Darfur is going to somehow benefit the People in Darfur because every little bit counts People who can't accept that not all cats are cute and/or interesting People who believe that you'll be happy about their good fortune People who are wildly uninteresting and painfully unfunny yet have a lot more friends than I do People who write the phrase: "Um...OK" People who post song lyrics People who share YouTube videos that have already been viewed 400 million times People who make snarky comments about Sarah Palin People who are Sarah Palin People who stay on Facebook even though they hate everyone on it People who use Friendster

  • A: "Oh nana, what's my name, oh nana what's my name.." B: " Dude! Just shut up and write your name on the paper!"
  • THE PERFECT BOY Be reliable and punctual. Say "You are so cute when you're angry" and kiss them in battle. Show her what you can. Give her your sweatshirt to sleep, then she will wear it the next day. For everyone to see: It's about you. Light a candle, let's go look slow love songs, cheesy movies. Cook for them (something only very simple, no matter!) Do not put your coat but only your arm around her when she is cold. Write her at the morning "Good morning, just think of you" ... Use perfume, shave your beard approach (ALL Girls are the terrible), style your hair ... Tell her that she was the most beautiful in the world. Take them in protecting and defending them. Listen to her, let her trust you, you remember what it says. Let her time and accept their limits! Liked her best friend, but not to flirt! Bring all about them in experience, and use your knowledge as for great surprises. Sometimes kiss her neck or give me a kiss on the forehead. Let them wuscheln through his hair. Albere around with her and tickle her even when she says that you should stop. When you are kissing on the wall. Go for a walk with her, looking at the stars together. Place them with your friends in front of me, "This is it." Was 100% true. There is nothing sweeter than the one boy who can show his feelings. Holding her hand as often as possible. Even if you want to leave once: up Behave respectfully and sensitively. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Never put the phone off first. Always be there for them, even if you e.g. 're just buddies with the dragons. Kiss her in the rain. Was a mix of cool protector, and loving gentleman. Entanglements of one because of it, if necessary. Open the door for her, help her in the jacket ... Join her cute photographs. If it has been in a group, show them again and again! Apologize for your mistakes. Be a little bit jealous. Be creative and crazy.

  • do girls honestly mean it when they write stuff like "oh you're so pretty" or do they just want to make eachother feel good, fuckin hypocrits

  • Someone once said, "It's the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time." Me? I just wanna live a life I'm gonna remember even if I don't write it down.

  • You are in my dreams and thoughts floating like water through my mind When I'm awake I live my life though I wish you would live it with me. When I'm asleep I dream of you, the only time when I can be with you. Oh how i wish I could look into your eyes and how I wish I could see you smile. My only chance to be with you is hand in hand through wonderland. I want yout touch, I want your love I want you with me through all my life. Thinking of you makes my day so wonderful, talking to you makes my day even better. Wanting you is one of my desires but the want has also me inspired to write this poem about me and you I swear I will never forget my first love to you.

  • If your write Chuck Norris name in the death note, The death note dies.

  • If I Could Pull Down The Rainbow , I Would Write Your Name With It . &' Put It Back In The Sky , To Let Everybody Know , How Much CoLoRfUl My Life Is With YOu . ♥

  • Grammar rhythm, it's grammer rhythm! Grammar rhythm, it's grammer rhythm! Listen and repeat. For example:[ ...] What's your telephone number? Tell me, tell me Kate! What's your telephone number? Is it: 53428? Okay, stand up and turn around, i'll write it on your back. 920376 that's it, that's it Jack! [...] Yesterday I had a dream I saw a little penguin His name was Peregrine It was Peregrine oh-oh, Peregrine yeah, Peregrine, the penguin. [...] Come let's sing die alphabet Oh, oh, oh Come let's sing the alphabet Oh, oh, oh [...] Jahre her und die Lieder sitzen immer noch in meinem Kopf! :D We miss you YOU&ME! RIP! ♥

  • I tried to write your name in the sky. But the wind blew it away. In the sky, your name won't stay. I wrote your name in the sand. Although I wrote with a strong hand, the water washed it away. In the sand, your name won't stay. I wrote your name in my heart, 'cause you're a really important part. And here, your name forever will stay, nothing can carry it away. ♥

  • “Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.” – Brian W. Kernighan

  • it`s not so nice for me , when i write to you and you don`t write to me back. :( XD
  • Anybody can make history. Only a great man can write it. (Oscar Wilde)

  • I write music with an exclamation point. (Richard Wagner)

  • The main thing is to make history, not to write it. (Otto von Bismarck)

  • Great books write themselves, only bad books have to be written. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

  • They say "tell us something about you" and I'm not even able to write a single sentence without searching google for life quotes...

  • Life is hard and dont better , so Ei doesnt matter , write a Letter to Mr.Wetter , while listening David Guetter , thinking hätter hätter , or rather neither Bullshit pleasure

  • To write it, it took three months; to conceive it - three minutes; to collect the data in it - all my life. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

  • To me, "fearless" is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you've been hurt before. Fearless is walking into your freshmen year of high school at fifteen. Fearless is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again … even though every time you've tried before, you've lost. It's fearless to have that someday things will change. Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can't breathe without them. I think it's fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he's in love with someone else. And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they'll never stop doing, I think it's fearless to top believing them. It's fearless to say, "you're NOT sorry", and walk away. I think loving someone despite what people think is fearless. I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is fearless. Letting go is fearless. Then, moving on and being alright … That's fearless too. But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and prince charmings and happily ever after. That's why I write these songs. Because I think love is fearless.

  • if you knew.... ....I feel like I am , if not you write me back ,.... ....I must suffer so , you look deep into my heart and.... ....feel my pain :( :(

  • chu know what? people in these days dont understand the word love anymore -.- like everyone tells everyone they like, that they love them. and who cares about love when you have a super hot boyfriend or girlfriend?? what the fuck is wrong with these people in this moment??? like, would most of the people with a bf or gf even care if she or he dies? NO. and actually there are more things i want to tell yew guyz, but i guess most of the people who aare going to read this, would think: wtf? like i dont have the friggin idea what that chicks talking bout! and that could be someone who is the same as those people who dont understand Love! ..ok i dont really find the right words, so let me write this down this way.: like, i would die for my boyfriend, and he means the whole world... well more than that to me♥, well now you should know what truee love is! and there are more people who are dumb: like people who say their bf/gf they love him/her and would do anything for her/him. or would die for him/her, but actually dont really love them. like they just think they love their bf/gf but actually dont. and in case a person like that would be reading this, that person would probably go like this: well i loooove my bf/gf, like were born for eachother! hahhaaaaa liar!! well theres more, but i guess yewr bored by now, motherfucker xP you peobably had never found your true love ;P keep searching, youll never find the right person, as long as you dont understand love :P and really quick: if you really fall in love woth a person, you usually shouldnt care ybout the age and gender!!!! like, most people who understand love are usually gay, lesb. or bi. aka. almost every straight person doesnt understand love, and im very VERY mad bout that!!!! k, gtg, bubyee xoxo, Anna A.

  • Why can't you be one time a little bit nice and write me back? ^^ =)

  • This is how a guy should treat a girl Hugs from behind. Grab her hand when you walk next to each other (don't make her grab yours). When standing, wrap your arms around her.Forgive her for her mistakes. Look at her like she's the only girl you see. Cuddle with her. Don't force her to do anything!!!! Write her notes.Compliment her Honestly. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams. When she crys do whatever to make her smile.Love her with all your heart. Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it). Don't let your friends talk trash about her, it'll get back to her! Don't ever act different in front of your friends than you are when its just you and her!!!! Leave her cute text messages.Kiss her in front of your friends.Trust her over everyone else. Tell her she looks beautiful. Look her in the eye when you talk to her. Tell her stupid jokes to make her laugh. Let her mess with your hair. Mess with her hair. Tickle her even if she says stop. Hold her hand even when you are around your friends. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Stay up with her all night when she's sick. Give her the world. Write her letters When she's sad, hang out with her. Let her know she is important. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. And when you fall in love with her, tell her. And when you do tell her.. Love her like you never loved before.! ♥

  • "I might have to write a book report for monday." - "What do you mean 'You MIGHT have to write a book report'?" - "I mean if there's no earthquake by monday morning, I have to write a book report."

  • add me on... call me on... write me on... drive me oon... DEAD
  • I don't ignore you.. I just want that you write me first :D

  • If I write: "I must go," then just say goodbye. If I write: "I go" then tell me that I should stay ♥
  • I tried to write your name in the sky. But the wind blew it away. In the sky, your name won't stay. I wrote your name in the sand. Although I wrote with a strong hand, the water washed it away. In the sand, your name won't stay. I wrote your name in my heart, 'cause you're a really important part. And here, your name forever will stay, nothing can carry it away.♥

  • I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love I did, I did And you were strong and I was not My illusion, my mistake I was careless, I forgot I did And now when all is done There is nothing to say You have gone and so effortlessly You have won You can go ahead tell them Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof tops Write it on the sky line All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Falling out of love is hard Falling for betrayal is worst Broken trust and broken hearts I know, I know Thinking all you need is there Building faith on love and words Empty promises will wear I know, I know And now when all is gone There is nothing to say And if you're done with embarrassing me On your own you can go ahead tell them Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof tops Write it on the sky line All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible! Ooh impossible (yeah yeah) I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love I did Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof tops Write it on the sky line All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love I did...

  • thou art, I am surprised that the idea of art you are the breeze I live a spiritual as much as I love you .................. I can not write

  • Why, Mom? I went to a party Mom, I remembered your words. You told me not to drink, so I drank no alcohol. I felt very proud mummy, just like you said I would. I plan to not drink and drive, Mom, even though the others are. I know that it was right, Mom, I know you're always right. The party is ending, Mom, everyone is driving. When I got into my car, Mom, I knew that I'd get home. Because of your education. So responsible and sweet. I started to drive away, and pulled out into the street. But the other driver did not see me and hit me with full force. As I lay on the pavement, Mom, I hear the policeman who was drunk. And now I'm the one who will pay. I'm lying here dying, Mom, I wish you'd get here soon. How could this happen? My life just burst like a balloon. All around, everything is full of blood, Mom, and most of it is me. I hear the medic say, Mom, that there is no help for me. I wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear I did not drink. It was the others, Mom did not think. He was probably at the same party as I.. The only difference is, he drank and I will die. Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin your whole life. I now have severe pain, like a knife so sharply. The man, who has started me, Mom walks around, and I am dying here. He looks just stupid. Tell my sister that she should not cry, Mom. Daddy to be brave. And if I go to heaven, Mom, "Daddy's Girl" on my grave. Someone should have told him, Mom, not drink, and drive. Maybe if his parents had, I would still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mom I'm scared. Please do not cry for me, Mom. You were always there when I needed you. I just have one last question, Mom, before I go away from here: I did not drink and drive, why am I the one to die? NOTE: This text into a poem was at the Springfield High School in circulation, after a week earlier, two students were killed in a car accident. Under the poem is the following request: SOMEONE HAS THE EFFORTS MADE TO WRITE THIS POEM. PLEASE GIVE IT TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE NEXT. WE WANT TO TRY IT ALL OVER THE WORLD TO DISTRIBUTE TO ALLOW THE PEOPLE FINALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS. Also you should copy this poem. It just happen still too many accidents due to alcohol on the streets, for which again the innocent to death. Help - this poem is to go all over the world! Who that is also expressed to heart, "Like me." : '(

  • I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love I did, I did And you were strong and I was not My illusion, my mistake I was careless, I forgot I did And now when all is done There is nothing to say You have gone and so effortlessly You have won You can go ahead tell them Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof tops Write it on the sky line All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Falling out of love is hard Falling for betrayal is worst Broken trust and broken hearts I know, I know Thinking all you need is there Building faith on love AND WORDS Empty promises will wear I know, I know And know when all is gone There is nothing to say And if you're done with embarrassing me On your own you can go ahead tell them Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof tops Write it on the sky line All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible! Ooh impossible (yeah yeah) I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love I did Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof tops Write it on the sky line All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love I did..

  • I remember years ago someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love - I did, I did and you were strong and I was not my illusion, my mistake I was careless, I forgot - I did and now when all is done there is nothing to say you have gone and so effortlessly you have won you can go ahead tell them tell them all I now now shout it from the roof tops write it on the skyline all we had is gone now tell them I was happy and my heart is broken all my scars are open tell them what I hoped wold be IMPOSSIBLE - impossible - Shontelle ♥ ♥

Write Sprüche als Bilder!

Viele Write Spruchbilder, tolle kostenlose Writebilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!
Brief eines Bayern an die NASA ... Greet God, I write you, because you
Brief eines Bayern an die NASA ...
  Greet God, I write you, because you must help me. I have seen your
Space Shuttle in the television. And so came me the idea to make
holidays in the world-room. Alone. Without my crazy wife. I am the
Kraxlhuber. The King of Bavaria was my clock-clock grandfather. I
stand on a very bad foot with my wife. Always she shouts with me.
She has a shrill voice like a...
If I die and go somewhere far, I'll write your name on every star, so an
If I die and go somewhere far,
I'll write your name on every star,
so angels can look up and see,
how much you mean to me.
I want a guy who will move the hair away from my eyes, and then kiss me.
I want a guy who will move the hair away from my eyes, and then kiss me. Someone who knows I am nowhere near perfect,but will love me as if I was.Someone who can put up my bad times and help me work through them.He doesn’t have to buy me things,all he has to do is show me he cares.Who will hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous. Who I can talk to about anything. A prett...
Let me write that in my "Things I dont give a Fuck about" - Book
Let me write that in my "Things I dont give a Fuck about" - Book
Brief eines Bayern an die NASA
i hate to write on a paper when there's just the desk underneath the pap
i hate to write on a paper when there's just the desk underneath the paper
100 People i hate on Facebook: People who have the new profile People wh
100 People i hate on Facebook:
People who have the new profile
People who still have the old profile
People who are always on Facebook
People who show up once a month and think they have the right to chime in
People who check-in
People who have a birthday today
People who friend everybody
People who only friend people they know well
People who friend me.
People who share their travel plans by l...
A: "Oh nana, what's my name, oh nana what's my name.." B: " Dude! Just s
A: "Oh nana, what's my name, oh nana what's my name.."
B: " Dude! Just shut up and write your name on the paper!"
THE PERFECT BOY Be reliable and punctual. Say "You are so cute when you'
THE PERFECT BOY Be reliable and punctual. Say "You are so cute when you're angry" and kiss them in battle. Show her what you can. Give her your sweatshirt to sleep, then she will wear it the next day. For everyone to see: It's about you. Light a candle, let's go look slow love songs, cheesy movies. Cook for them (something only very simple, no matter!) Do not put your coat but only your arm aro...
do girls honestly mean it when they write stuff like "oh you're so prett
do girls honestly mean it when they write stuff like "oh you're so pretty" or do they just want to make eachother feel good, fuckin hypocrits
Someone once said, "It's the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls
Someone once said, "It's the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time." Me? I just wanna live a life I'm gonna remember even if I don't write it down.
You are in my dreams and thoughts floating like water through my mind Wh
You are in my dreams and thoughts
floating like water through my mind
When I'm awake I live my life
though I wish you would live it with me.
When I'm asleep I dream of you,
the only time when I can be with you.
Oh how i wish I could look into your eyes
and how I wish I could see you smile.
My only chance to be with you
is hand in hand through wonderland.
I want yout touch, I want your love
I wa...
If I Could Pull Down The Rainbow , I Would Write Your Name With It . &'
If I Could Pull Down The Rainbow ,
I Would Write Your Name With It . &'
Put It Back In The Sky , To Let Everybody Know ,
How Much CoLoRfUl My Life Is With YOu . ♥
If your write Chuck Norris name in the death note, The death note dies.
If your write Chuck Norris name in the death note, The death note dies.
Grammar rhythm, it's grammer rhythm! Grammar rhythm, it's grammer rhythm
Grammar rhythm, it's grammer rhythm!
Grammar rhythm, it's grammer rhythm!
Listen and repeat.
For example:[ ...]
What's your telephone number?
Tell me, tell me Kate!
What's your telephone number?
Is it: 53428?
Okay, stand up and turn around, i'll write it on your back.
920376 that's it, that's it Jack!
Yesterday I had a dream
I saw a little penguin
His name was Peregrine
It was Peregrine o...
I tried to write your name in the sky. But the wind blew it away. In the
I tried
to write your name in the sky.
But the wind blew it away.
In the sky, your name won't stay.
I wrote your name in the sand.
Although I wrote with a strong hand,
the water washed it away.
In the sand, your name won't stay.
I wrote your name in my heart,
'cause you're a really important part.
And here, your name forever will stay,
nothing can carry it away. ♥
“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Ther
“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.”
– Brian W. Kernighan
it`s not so nice for me , when i write to you and you don`t write to me
it`s not so nice for me , when i write to you and you don`t write to me back. :(
Anybody can make history. Only a great man can write it. (Oscar Wilde)
Anybody can make history. Only a great man can write it. (Oscar Wilde)
I write music with an exclamation point. (Richard Wagner)
I write music with an exclamation point. (Richard Wagner)
They say "tell us something about you" and I'm not even able to write a
They say "tell us something about you" and I'm not even able to write a single sentence without searching google for life quotes...
The main thing is to make history, not to write it. (Otto von Bismarck)
The main thing is to make history, not to write it. (Otto von Bismarck)
Great books write themselves, only bad books have to be written. (F. Sco
Great books write themselves, only bad books have to be written. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Life is hard and dont better , so Ei doesnt matter , write a Letter to M
Life is hard and dont better , so Ei doesnt matter ,
write a Letter to Mr.Wetter , while listening David Guetter ,
thinking hätter hätter ,
or rather neither Bullshit pleasure
To write it, it took three months; to conceive it - three minutes; to co
To write it, it took three months; to conceive it - three minutes; to collect the data in it - all my life. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
To me, "fearless" is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely
To me, "fearless" is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you've been hurt before. Fearless is walking into your freshmen year of high school at fifteen. Fearless is gett...
if you knew.... ....I feel like I am , if not you write me back ,.... ..
if you knew....
....I feel like I am ,
if not you write me back ,....
....I must suffer so ,
you look deep into my heart and....
....feel my pain :( :(
Why can't you be one time a little bit nice and write me back? ^^ =)
Why can't you be one time a little bit nice and write me back? ^^ =)
chu know what? people in these days dont understand the word love anymor
chu know what? people in these days dont understand the word love anymore -.-  like everyone tells everyone they like, that they love them. and who cares about love when you have a super hot boyfriend or girlfriend?? what the fuck is wrong with these people in this moment???  like, would most of the people with a bf or gf even care if she or he dies? NO. and actually there are more things i wan...
This is how a guy should treat a girl Hugs from behind. Grab her hand wh
This is how a guy should treat a girl
Hugs from behind.
Grab her hand when you walk next to each other (don't make her grab yours).
When standing, wrap your arms around her.
Forgive her for her mistakes.
Look at her like she's the only girl you see.
Cuddle with her.
Don't force her to do anything!!!!
Write her notes.
Compliment her Honestly.
When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as po...
"I might have to write a book report for monday." - "What do you mean 'Y
"I might have to write a book report for monday." - "What do you mean 'You MIGHT have to write a book report'?" - "I mean if there's no earthquake by monday morning, I have to write a book report."
If I write: "I must go," then just say goodbye. If I write: "I go" then
If I write:
"I must go,"
then just say goodbye.
If I write:
"I go"
then tell me that I should stay ♥
add me on... call me on... write me on... drive me oon... DEAD
add me on...
call me on...
write me on...
drive me oon...
I don't ignore you.. I just want that you write me first :D
I don't ignore you.. I just want that you write me first :D
I tried to write your name in the sky. But the wind blew it away. In the
I tried
to write your name in the sky.
But the wind blew it away.
In the sky, your name won't stay.
I wrote your name in the sand.
Although I wrote with a strong hand,
the water washed it away.
In the sand, your name won't stay.
I wrote your name in my heart,
'cause you're a really important part.
And here, your name forever will stay,
nothing can carry it away.♥
thou art, I am surprised that the idea of art you are the breeze I live
thou art, I am surprised that the idea of art you are the breeze I live a spiritual as much as I love you .................. I can not write
I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes
I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did
And you were strong and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
I did
And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them
Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is...
Why, Mom? I went to a party Mom, I remembered your words. You told me n
Why, Mom? 
I went to a party Mom, I remembered your words. You told me not to drink, so I drank no alcohol. I felt very proud mummy, just like you said I would. I plan to not drink and drive, Mom, even though the others are. I know that it was right, Mom, I know you're always right. The party is ending, Mom, everyone is driving. When I got into my car, Mom, I knew that I'd get home. Because of ...
I remember years ago someone told me I should take caution when it comes
I remember years ago
someone told me I should take
caution when it comes to love
- I did, I did
and you were strong and I was not
my illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
- I did
and now when all is done
there is nothing to say
you have gone and so effortlessly
you have won
you can go ahead tell them
tell them all I now now
shout it from the roof tops
write it on the skyline
all we had ...
I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes
I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did
And you were strong and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
I did
And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them
Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is...


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